Excellent article! I think we are standing very close to the abyss - our right to speak is rapidly slipping away and I agree with your concern about being "diagnosed" with mental illness for wrongthink. What happened to Dr. Francis Christian suggests they are already thinking along those lines. Thanks for a great piece!
Thanks, Julius. Yes, the insinuations that were directed at Francis Christian do not bode well for the future if we are not vigilant to protect free speech. Hopefully we will one day see a renewal of the spirit of free thought and free speech.
Very nice article indeed! Just wanted to note that the link to 'Trish Wood is Critical' is the wrong link, just in case people stumble into this Substack and want to listen to that podcast.
Thanks so much, Joel. I have corrected the info. for Trish Wood's podcast; apologies for the error (I had pasted the link to Julius Ruechel's website twice by mistake).
Excellent article! I think we are standing very close to the abyss - our right to speak is rapidly slipping away and I agree with your concern about being "diagnosed" with mental illness for wrongthink. What happened to Dr. Francis Christian suggests they are already thinking along those lines. Thanks for a great piece!
Thanks, Julius. Yes, the insinuations that were directed at Francis Christian do not bode well for the future if we are not vigilant to protect free speech. Hopefully we will one day see a renewal of the spirit of free thought and free speech.
Very nice article indeed! Just wanted to note that the link to 'Trish Wood is Critical' is the wrong link, just in case people stumble into this Substack and want to listen to that podcast.
Thanks so much, Joel. I have corrected the info. for Trish Wood's podcast; apologies for the error (I had pasted the link to Julius Ruechel's website twice by mistake).