I'm glad he hung up on her. She's a blabber mouth. At the same time, this crap about new reasons for kids (or anyone!) to wear masks, such as the flu, or "RSV" or whatever other stupid reason they make up, this all needs to stop. People need to wake up. This is not, and never has been, about health.

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Thanks for the tweet share. "Just hang up on her" and this "Why . . . !" Love it. Need many more like him.

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She is a tool, likely a WEF tool being paid and rewarded for her zealotry and stupidity. All part of the gender fluid, lack of identity, psychologically manipulated NWO agenda.

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Excellent article.

Now do Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein.

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It's a little more than just about control or her claim of antisemitism.

She seems mentally unbalanced. As most Covid zealots are. Just my impression.

I also don't like the word 'compassion' used in the context of it just being good. Compassion for its own sake leads to dark places.

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She has repeatedly made the claim that the truckers in Ottawa were hateful and antisemitic. I submit to you that the evidence is lacking in this respect: there was one swatzika that appeared briefly but it was likely planted. She repeatedly stated that she is deeply motivated by the fact that she is a descendant of Holocaust survivors. She brings her Jewish identity into the issue. Her Twitter account is supposedly frozen but she is obviously very active. She appears to be unstable. https://twitter.com/nilikm/status/1487889011637211142?s=46&t=fske22nA57i6XXKcFlc8uQ

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Thanks, Daniel. Yes, I disagree with the claim that she made that the truckers were "all about hate" (Kaplan-Myrth's rhetorical tendency is to use absolute language such as "all"). It is possible that there were some Jew-hating or more generally racist individuals among the truckers. Unfortunately, this last statement is true about many other groups of individuals. However, the convoy was not primarily about hate. It was a bold assertion of the democratic right to protest unjust policies. It came after a long period of silence and complacency from people who should have been thinking critically and speaking out. Regarding Kaplan-Myrth and antisemitism: I recently saw on social media a Tweet that she shared (that was directed toward her) in which a Jewish-hating individual begins by wishing her "happy Hannukah" and then goes on to deliver vile antisemitic abuse. Reading these materials offends me personally. Jew hate is wrong and every person, including Kaplan-Myrth, deserves protection from it. At the same time, it disturbs me that a person who shares my concern with Jew hate also believes that it is okay to force mask and vaccine mandates. To me, the response to Jew hate should be to try to build inner spiritual strength--but trying to excessively control other people and overstep boundaries is weak and harmful.

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