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You make a good. It is taxpayers who fund the healthcare system, and the system should be well designed and managed to serve the public--as opposed to cultivating a feeling of subjugation that we must obey it.

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Thank you for the insightful thoughts. We need to get rid of the guilt and embrace rational and humane planning.

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Thanks for your comment. Yes: the focus should be on building sufficient capacity. Making us feel guilty for not masking (despite evidence that masking is not effective) and at the same time not doing enough to build hospital capacity is a very strange attitude.

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hospital capacity is not a measure of actual space but a metric reflecting staff to patient ratio that can be manipulated at will to create the illusion of a crisis. mandates = understaffing = reduced capacity.

this never had anything to do with public health. it's all about control. for example the german government is already trying to make hygiene theatre mandatory except in late spring and early summer.

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Thank you for your comment. I also feel that much of it is about control. It does not stand to reason that a problem such as capacity cannot be addressed with rational planning and budgets. There seems to be an excessive emotional attachment to words such as "overwhelmed" as signifiers of superiority and immunity from criticism: authorities feel entitled to tell us what to do, but we are not entitled to think freely and rationally (which was a basic principle of the enlightenment).

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"...worshipping them as temples from which commandments for behaviour are handed down."

Valid and well put! It seems that virtually every aspect of the so-called 'pandemic' has been purposely contorted for nefarious reasons. Only one narrow perspective is considered acceptable (and shoved down our throats, almost literally); ill effects of any coerced or restrictive measures are ignored completely in the media. Questioning or doubt is now a faux pas.

The masks are, as you have indicated, virtually useless. Their only real purpose is to serve as a visual reminder for us to follow rules, especially senseless ones, unquestioningly.

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Yes, masks are a symbol of obedience. The time-honored principles of washing hands and staying home when sick--combined with a well-managed healthcare system--should be sufficient, I think.

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Great article.

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Thank you!

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